6th B Cell Winter School 2019

18 – 22 February 2019

  • Arrival for Ph.D. students is recommended for February 18. at 1 pm 
  • Arrival for PIs is recommended for February 19. during the evening (Dinner: 7:30 – 9 pm)

Please register at the latest until October 19, 2018.

Hotel Franziskushöhe
Ruppertshüttener Straße 70
97816 Lohr am Main

Rooms for PIs, Postdocs and Ph.D. students will be booked by the IRTG coordinator according to the information given in the registration form.

Free Shuttle Service
If you would like to use the hotel’s free shuttle service from/to Lohr am Main station please remember that registration is required at least two days in advance under +49 (9352) 604-0.

Lohr am Main
Lohr am Main lies in Lower Franconia and is known as the „Gateway to the Spessart“. The town was settled no later than the 8th Century and by its first documentary mention in 1295 it was already the main center of the county Rieneck (comital domain within the Holy Roman Empire). Lohr am Main offers a medieval town center with beautiful half-timbered houses and of course the magnificent neighboring „Spessart“ forest in the „Mainviereck“ (a square region bounded on three sides by the river Main). Fun fact: the „Lohrer Schloss“ is said to be Snow White´s possible birthplace.

A program flyer and abstract book will be available for download on this website prior to the BCWS and as a printed version on site.  

Program flyer for download
Poster session  and round table discussion groups for download

On Monday and Tuesday Ph.D. students start with the scientific debate training “I beg to differ!”. TRR130 Postdocs are welcome to join the workshop.


  • Finding valid arguments and checking their relevance
  • Building arguments conclusively and convincingly
  • Disproving and invalidating arguments
  • Performing convincingly even with critical audiences
  • Dealing confidently with interjections and critical questions

Presentations and Poster Session
Half of the PhD students will present their project and data via poster while the other half will give a talk (15 minutes + 15 minutes discussion). There is a limited time (2h) reserved for presentations by TRR130 PIs and Postdocs. If you are interested please let us know via the registration form. All participants will receive an abstract book. Participants with a poster or presentation are asked to send us their abstract by e-mail (agnes.giniewski@fau.de) until January 31.

Roundtable Discussions
If possible all PIs, Postdocs and Ph.D. students should participate at the roundtable discussions. This event gives the possibility to discuss Ph.D. projects, specific data, problems or methods in small groups of PIs and Ph.D. students. New Ph.D. students in the integrated research training group are asked to prepare a specific aims page for their project that will be discussed during the roundtable discussions. We will set up 5-6 discussion groups. Ph.D. students who want to discuss their project or who prepared their specific aims page can state in their registration who they would like to discuss their project with the most. 

Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Meetings
TAC meetings will be possible on Wednesday and Thursday morning (8:30 – 9:30 am) and Wednesday evening (6:30 – 7:30 pm). Please compare with the preliminary program. Ph.D. students can state in their registration form if they would favor organizing their TAC meeting during the BCWS. According to the PI registration details, the coordinator prepares a time schedule for possible TAC meetings. Involved participants will be informed by e-mail. To be able to organize as many TAC meetings as possible exact arrival and departure dates are needed. Thank you.

Reimbursement for PIs and Postdocs
Please note that the IRTG will cover the costs for accommodation (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but can not reimburse travel costs.

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact:
Dr. Agnes Giniewski
Phone: +49 9131-85 43219
E-mail: agnes.giniewski@fau.de

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